Stage 1 – New Client and Treating Client Stage

New Client and Investigation Stage

The New Client and Investigation stage is the first stage of an insurance and legal claim. You likely have just gone through an accident and are suffering from your accident-related injuries. If your vehicle was damaged, you may also be without a vehicle or in an unsafe vehicle that needs repair. At this stage, you and our office will be working together to get to know you, the accident, your injuries, and how your life has been affected by the accident. Our team will have multiple meetings with you to learn;

  • The details of the accident like where you were going, where you were coming from, and what caused the accident,
  • The police and ambulance response, if any,
  • Your pain following the accident,
  • Any statements from the other driver, you, or any witness made about the accidents,
  • Any photos of the accident, the vehicles, or your injuries,
  • Learn who you have seen for medical treatment,
  • Learn who is the insurance carrier for the other driver and you,
  • Learn who your medical insurance carrier is,
  • Your prior medical history,
  • Your vehicle's damage and current status, and
  • Learn what your desires for this claim are at this time.

Our staff will contact you via email and text to get details from you and also help with your property damage claim. Following these initial stages, our office is going to contact the insurance carrier and get details on the status of the claim from their own investigation. We will look to confirm that the other driver has insurance coverage and that his/her insurer is accepting responsibility. We will keep you updated in this stage as we learn more information.

Medical Treatment Stage

While the investigation is going on, you will continue your medical treatment for your accident-related injuries. We will follow up with you to see the status of your treatment and how your injuries are improving or changing. We also will document how the accident is affecting your life to make sure that we have that information for our future stages. Generally, this stage will take at least six (6) to eight (8) weeks or maybe longer depending on the severity of your injuries and the treatment needed. Once you have been discharged from your medical provider on any more treatment, we will move into the next stage of collecting your medical records and any other documentation such as pay stubs and health insurance ledgers at this stage.